LOAF Medical Insurance

Universal health coverage is an imperative for social and economic development. It is one of the sustainable development goals for health.

In view of this, Loaf Medical Insurance is developed not only to provide access and quality healthcare but also to provide financial protection to families from the impoverishing effects of ill health and costs thereof.

We provide the eco-system that supports for families across boarders and in-country to be involved, track and be part of improving health and lives of their loved ones and Family.

LOAF Medical Assistance

LOAF Medical Assistance gives you value when paying for some or all their medical bills not covered through insurance.
If you can’t afford to pay for medical insurance right now, or have need for a service not covered under insurance, We can help you get the care that you need to get healthy and to stay healthy.
Loaf Medical Assistance will help your family receive and track such care when needed. Your loved ones and family can receive a variety of healthcare services and treatments in-state and in any country of your choice.

Get a Health Insurance Plan for 18,000 Naira per year!